Wasserman Digital

We help Manufacturers and Distributors accelerate their eCommerce capabilities.

Wasserman Digital overview

Wasserman Digital creates exceptional digital commerce experiences that engage customers and drive growth.

We have deep expertise in the strategy, planning, designing, development and management of websites, e-commerce sites, and related systems. We help our B2B and B2C clients increase revenues and reduce costs through a proprietary set of systems, tools, and methodologies (including our own pre-configurations of some of the most popular platforms like Big Commerce, Shopify Plus and Adobe Commerce) that we leverage to efficiently achieve objectives for our clients.

Company snapshot

    Country HQ
  • United States
    Company type
  • Private
    Year founded
  • 2014
    Regions serviced
  • North America, Latin America, UK & Europe, India, Middle East
    Number of employees
  • 1000 - 5000
Social media
    Market focus
  • Enterprise, Mid-market

Services provided

  • Data & analytics eCommerce platform Digital strategy & consulting Integration Platform selection Project management Solution architecture Strategy UI/UX design

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