B2B eCommerce Professional: Level 1 Certification

Included in annual B2BEA membership fee of $395
Certificate included

Are you ready to build a solid foundation in B2B eCommerce? The B2B eCommerce Fundamentals: Level 1 Certification is designed for professionals and teams looking to grasp the essential concepts and strategies of B2B eCommerce, with a focus on equipping you for real-world application.

Kickstart your B2B ecommerce journey and set yourself up for success

The B2B eCommerce Professional: Level 1 Certification is the first step toward building a strong foundation in the growing field of B2B eCommerce. Whether you’re an individual professional or a team leader, this certification will provide the knowledge and tools to excel in the B2B eCommerce landscape.

Level 1 certification modules


  1. Overview of B2B Commerce

    • Definition of B2B commerce and its unique characteristics.
    • Differences between B2B and B2C transactions.
  2. Role of Distributors

    • Definition and role of distributors in the B2B ecosystem.
    • Services provided by distributors, such as inventory management and customer service.
  3. Distributors vs. Manufacturers

    • Comparison between the roles and responsibilities of distributors and manufacturers.
  4. Importance of Distributors in Various Industries

    • Significance of distributors across different sectors (e.g., industrial, automotive).
  5. Evolution of the Distributor’s Role

    • Changes in the role of distributors due to globalization and digital transformation.
  6. Key Metrics for Distributors

    • Introduction to key performance indicators (KPIs) for distributors.
  7. Challenges Faced by Distributors

    • Challenges such as market competition, supply chain disruptions, and digital transformation.
  8. Wrap-Up and Key Takeaways

    • Summary of the module and preparation for the next module.


  1. Introduction to the B2B Buying Journey

    • Overview of the traditional B2B buying process, including its stages and characteristics.
  2. Customer Needs and Requirements

    • Understanding how B2B customers determine their needs and start the buying process.
  3. Role of Sales Representatives

    • Importance of sales reps in guiding the buying process and building trust.
  4. Traditional Tools in B2B Buying

    • Overview of catalogs, price lists, and purchase orders.
  5. Branches in the Buying Process

    • Functions of branches, including local support and inventory management.
  6. Stores in the Buying Process

    • Differences between stores and branches and their unique value propositions.
  7. Decision Making and Closing the Deal

    • The decision-making process and the closing phase in B2B transactions.
  8. Recap and Preparing for Digital Integration

    • Summary of the traditional buying process and introduction to digital tools.


  1. Introduction to B2B and B2C Commerce

    • Definitions and fundamental differences between B2B and B2C transactions.
  2. Differences in Sales Cycles and Customer Relationships

    • Sales cycles, relationship building, and transaction values.
  3. Complexity of B2B Systems and Products

    • Complexity of systems (ERP, OMS) and products in B2B vs. simpler B2C systems.
  4. Strategic Approaches in B2B vs. B2C

    • Strategies in building customer loyalty and handling longer sales cycles.


  1. B2B eCommerce Growth and Trends

    • Current trends in B2B eCommerce (e.g., mobile optimization, AI tools, digital payments).
    • Market growth and future opportunities in the B2B eCommerce sector.
  2. Benefits of eCommerce

    • Advantages such as cost reduction, improved customer experience, and scalability.
  3. Differences Between Manufacturer and Distributor Digital Strategy

    • How digital strategies differ for manufacturers and distributors.
    • Key considerations and unique challenges each type of business faces in digital transformation
  4. Challenges of Change Management and Customer Adoption

    • Obstacles related to internal change management and customer adoption of new digital tools.
    • Strategies for overcoming resistance to digital transformation and increasing customer engagement.


  1. Overview of B2B eCommerce Platforms

    • Introduction to the functions and features of B2B eCommerce platforms.
  2. Core Components of a B2B Digital Platform

    • Components such as content management systems, PIM, and marketing automation.
    • Services provided by distributors, such as inventory management and customer service.
  3. Integration with Business Systems

    • Integrating eCommerce platforms with ERP, CRM, and PIM systems.
  4. Security and Compliance Considerations

    • Security concerns and industry regulations.
  5. Selecting an eCommerce Platform

    • Criteria for platform selection and comparison of different options.


  1. Core Features of B2B eCommerce Platforms

    • Features like customer-specific pricing, bulk ordering, and order history.
  2. Advanced Features for B2B eCommerce

    • Capabilities such as punchout catalogs and eProcurement integration.
  3. On-Site Search Functionality

    • Importance of on-site search, SEO, and user-friendly design.
  4. Mobile and Omnichannel Capabilities

    • Mobile-friendly design and omnichannel support in B2B platforms.

Why this certification

Foundational Knowledge

Develop a comprehensive understanding of B2B eCommerce fundamentals, from key concepts to practical strategies.

Real-World Application

Learn how to apply eCommerce basics to actual business scenarios, with case studies and actionable insights.

Team Alignment

Perfect for aligning your entire organization on the fundamentals of B2B eCommerce. Ensure that every team member has a unified understanding and approach to drive success across all departments


Earn a certification that demonstrates your expertise and commitment to staying ahead in the B2B marketplace.

Who should take this course?

Manufacturers and Distributors

Ideal for digital leaders, management teams, and executive leaders looking to align their organization on B2B eCommerce fundamentals and drive digital transformation.

Technology vendors

Perfect for sales, marketing, product, and customer success teams who need to better understand the B2B eCommerce landscape and effectively sell and support solutions for manufacturers and distributors.

System Integrators and Agencies

Equip your teams with the knowledge to effectively implement and support B2B eCommerce solutions for clients, ensuring a strong foundation in industry best practices.


Build a solid foundation to guide your clients through their B2B eCommerce strategies and ensure they are prepared to succeed in the evolving digital market.

Program details


Self-paced, designed to be completed within 4-6 weeks.


Online and on demand with Justin King, who brings his years of experience and success to guide you every step of the way.


Exclusive webinars, resources, and access to our global community.


Included in your annual B2BEA membership of $395. Volume based pricing available.

Meet Justin King, your instructor

Meet Justin King, your instructor

Justin King is a recognized B2B eCommerce thought leader with extensive experience helping manufacturers and distributors accelerate digital transformation.

He built Salsify’s B2B practice, founded B2X Partners, and grew Oracle Commerce B2B from 3% to over 55% of sales. Justin also developed B2B messaging for Hybris in the US. His practical, results-driven approach makes him a sought-after expert and educator.

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